
Every place requires carpentry work for furniture repairs or making some custom pieces. Choosing the right Carpenter for the service ensures that the work is finished in a proper way and in time. So, our team is here to solve that problem easily with a highly trained team of Carpenters. To fulfill your specific needs and vision we customize every project


Our team services include all the installation, repairs, and replacement of doors, windows, crown molding, and many more. Our team will replace any installations to provide you with the new and quality cabinets or other services that are needed. The detail-oriented, transformative carpentry job can be handled by our professionals.


The services provided by our carpenter team are


  • Installation and Repairing of Crown Molding
  • Installation or replacement of interior and exterior door
  • Installation or replacement of interior and exterior trim
  • Base trim installation 
  • Installation or replacement of pet doors and storm doors
  • Repair and replacement of the complete cabinet
  • Window installation or replacement
  • Drawer lock installation
  • Hydraulic hinges installation


Our team will also help you in making the new furniture at an affordable cost. Our carpenter will help you in building different types of cabinets, bookcases, firesides, beds, wooden countertops, chairs, tables, and many more.

Author: khojnu

Nepal Local Travel and Tourism Promotion ( Local Business )


  1. This article is so helpful to choosing the carpenter.

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