Manaslu Circuit (Mountain Bike ) Cycling Trek

Manaslu Circuit trek is one the best treks in Nepal. It will take visitors around the Manaslu Conservation Area and direct to the stunning landscape of the 8th tallest mountain in the world. This trek can be a great option if the visitors have already been to the Annapurna Circuit. If the visitors want to keep away from the Annapurna Circuit they can rather trek to the Manalsu tour that is just as stunning and challenging a ride as it can be. Manaslu Circuit Cycling Trek is for those passionate who admire to test their tolerance, energy level and stamina. The visitors will follow the trek and biking route on the bike enhancing some of the beautiful landscape of the incredible Himalayas and nature.

This is one of the most stunning rides and an expedition the visitors have once in their one’s time. One cannot only be stunned but fall in love through the environments, people and traditions. The visitors will ride with the rich diversity and panoramas from the rolling mountains of Marsyangdi to the Himalayas interior from lush green pine jungle ride will surround almost 50 % ride and carry amongst the incredible high hill and amazing nature. The visitor begins and completes in equatorial surroundings: warm, bamboo huts, rice fields and banana trees. The path sometimes operates amazingly high above the wild river with vertically rock walls. Higher up we find huge Buddhist villages and monasteries.

Their most difficult part is the two-third of the hike they cross the highest region in an entire planet of rock and rice: the Larkya La at the height of 5106 meters. The technical routes make for incredible riding. The trip begins in Arughat, just north of the main highway from Kathmandu to Pokhara. The first warm days directs the visitors to past the terraced rice fields and semi tropical jungles with the valley of the Budhi-Gandaki. The villages are genuine and the tracks are sometimes sculpted out of the vertically rock walls next to the wild river. Only a little later the valley opens so that the riders will get an amazing landscape of the different glistening white peaks of the Manaslu massif.

In the large village of Samagaon the riders will have a day break to get used to the elevation. The riders hence have a time to visit the monastery. After Samagoan the riders will carry on the cycling trek into the highland wasteland, on the way to the Larkya La (5105 meters). The riders will leave the last juniper bushes behind and cyclists start tiring passing over this incredible pass. After this the cycling trek will come through wooded regions in the valley of the Marsyangdi. The last couple of days the visitors will walk in the conversely along the append to the Annapurna trip to arrive at BesiSahar.

From here a bus takes the visitors to the “big” road further to Kathmandu. Manalsu is the route of the future of mountain cycle riders in Nepal and they will be overwhelmed with the sheer happiness and amazement of the local resident who welcomed them as the first mountain bike riders into the region with pure bemusement. So the interested visitors or mountain bike riders are told to go there and explore and push their limits beyond any prospect ever given a thought on this memorable trip.


Highlights of Manaslu Circuit Cycling Trek

  • Perfect and stunning ride to an unbeaten track of the Manaslu circuit
  • Visit natural beauty of jungle, river and vegetation and animals
  • Submerge in the rich culture of Nepal and Tibetan cultural groups
  • Incredible highland landscapes of Manaslu (8156m), Cheo Himal (6820m), Himlung Himal (7126m) Annapurna II (7937m
  • Plentiful wildlife like mountain Goat, Blue Sheep
  • Cross Larke pass (5213m) is the highest point and difficult pass
  • Pass through to the north of Manalsu

Other information about Manaslu Circuit Cycling Trek

Manaslu 8153m, the 8th tallest mountain in the entire planet. And cross around the circuit on a mountain bike might sound crazy and frightening to most. But is anything significant that the words are hard to seek to explain it. Lots of people say they don’t believe that it’s achievable at all, but the Khojnu. have been functioning a lot of mountain bike tours since December 2012. Routes around here contain a raw single path, in some regions it needs to be a bike.

Nevertheless the gravity the travelers will experience here is epic. There are not a lot of locations that the travelers can simply ride in the lap of the plant’s 8th tallest mountain Manaslu. Like in the Annapurna, the elevation at Manaslu Circuit begins through the minimum point at Arughat600m to the highest point of the route at Larkya La5163m. Some individuals even like to say it’s the New Annapurna Circuit, because of the corresponding territory.

But we think that Manaslu has its own beauty, traditional diversity and it’s more vigorous compared to the Annapurna, simply one of a kind. The travelers generally link Tsum valley while they run this tour. Tsum Valley has been open to visitors since 2009 only. In regards to tourism it’s still comparatively furnished in its early days.

Since it was hugely demolished in an earthquake in April 2015. This location required more assistance by Tourism to get back on its feet once more in the upcoming days. SoKhojnu. is interested in telling the travelers to join them for riding the amazing natural routes of Manaslu and Tsum valley. And contribute some to the maintainable tourism to re-establish the incredible villages around the highlands. This region is another single pathway paradise in Nepal. And riding to Manaslu Circuit and the Tsum valley surely qualifies for the actual huge highland Enduro.

Author: khojnu

Nepal Local Travel and Tourism Promotion ( Local Business )

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