Well Construction Process 

A well is an excavation or formation built in the ground through digging, driving, or drilling to approach liquid resources, normally water. Khojnu.com provides Well Construction Process in Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur. The oldest and most general type of well is a water well, to approach groundwater beneath the ground aquifers. For more information you can visit the website khojnu.com for Well Construction Process in Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur and contact us. 


The Well Construction Process in Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur includes:


Method 1. Digging:

Well in shoal and combined glacial and carnal aquifers can be dug with hand with the usage of pick and shovel. Loose material is transferred to the outward of the container through the channel with the rope and pulleys. 


Method 2. Boring:

Hand-fun regulated or power-handled earth augers are utilized for boring a well in shallow on the other hand unconnected aquifers. A simple auger has a cutting edge to the lowest point of a circular container (or bucket). The auger bores into the ground through spinning movement. At the time the container is filled with excavated material,it is uplifted and unloaded. Hand-bored wells can be till around 20 cm diameter and around 15m deep. Power-driver augers can bore holes till around 1 meter in diameter and 30 m in depth. 


Method 3. Driving:

In this method, a sequence of linked lengths of pipe is driven through frequent influence into the ground beneath the water table. Water goes into the well by a screened circular part that is safeguarded at the time of driving with a steel cone to the lowest point. Driven well could be positioned just in unconsolidated structures that are proportionately free of cobbles or boulders. 


Method 4. Jetting: 

Jetting (or drilling) method utilizes a chisel-formed bit joined to the lower end of pope string. Holes on every corner of the bit serve as nozzles. Water jetting by these nozzles maintains the portion and supports loosening the material being drilled. The fluid circular system in corresponding to that direct spinning method. Through the water circulation preserved, the drill rods on the other hand bit ar lifted and dropped in a way corresponding to cable instrument drilling yet through shorter strokes. 


Method 5. Cable Tool Drilling:| 

It is the premature method created by the Chinese some 4000 years ago. A cable instrument drilling tool significantly comprises a drill bit, drill stem, drilling jars, swivel socket and cable. The cable tool drill bit is extremely heavy (around 1500 kg) and comprises all kinds of earth materials. 


Method 6. Direct Rotary Drilling: 

The direct rotary drilling is the quickest method of drilling deep wells of diameters till 45 cm (or more through the usage of reamers) by unconsolidated structures. The drilling bit is joined to a heavy drill pipe that is screwed to the end of the Kelly that is a drill pipe of square part. 


Method 7. Reverse Rotary Drilling: 

Direct rotary drilling method has the ability of drilling boreholes through the highest diameter of around 60 cm. High capacity wells, significantly those through filter packs, require extremely much bigger in size. This method has the ability of drilling boreholes of around 1.2 m diameter in unconsolidated structure and fluid is reversed in contrast to that of direct rotary drilling. 


Author: khojnu

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