Nepal Weather in June

The weather in Nepal during the month of June is hot and wet. Through the arrival of the monsoon, Nepal moves into the precipitating season through the medium precipitation of 256mm (10.07 in). The medium temperature is 19-28 0 C (66.2-82.4 0 F). It is not a suitable time for traveling. If they want to, the travelers should visit some cultural places less affected by rain.

The hottest cities in Nepal in June:
Biratnagar: 35℃ (95℉)

The coldest cities in Nepal in June:
Bhaktapur: 17℃ (62.6℉)


Weather in Kathmandu during the month of June

During the month of June, the highest temperature is 28 0 C and lowest temperature is 22 0 C (for an average temperature of 24 0 C). The weather is quite pleasing in this city during the month of June. Through 705mm over 25 days, the visitors will suffer the rain for the whole trip or stay. So it is important to keep in mind to bring appropriate clothes for the rainy season. With adverse climate, June is not a recommended month to visit the capital of Nepal.


Average temperature 25 0 C
Highest temperature 28 0 C
Lowest temperature 220 C
Rainfall 705mm
Number of days with rainfall 25 days(s)
Humidity 72 %
Daily sunshine hours 13
Cloud cover 34%
Length of day 13:53

Weather in Annapurna during the month of June
During the month of June, the highest temperature is 25 0 C and lowest temperature is 21 0 C (for an average temperature of 23 0 C). The weather is suitable in this city during this month. Through 364 over 15 days, the visitors will suffer the precipitation all over the vacations. It is important for the visitors to keep in mind to pack the appropriate rainy season clothes. With appropriate climate, June is fine (but not the best time) for visiting this region in Nepal.


Average temperature 23 0 C
Highest temperature 25 0 C
Lowest temperature 210 C
Rainfall 364mm
Number of days with rainfall 15 days(s)
Humidity 66 %
Daily sunshine hours 14
Cloud cover 35%
Length of day 13:57

Weather in Pokhara during the month of June
During the month of June, the medium temperature in Pokhara is 23 0 C (highest temperature is 25 0 C and lowest temperature is 21 0 C). The weather is quite convenient in his region in the month of June. With 364mm over 15 days, the visitors risk getting wet moderately all over their stay. But this is rather equitably and it is just for short-term showers. With the right weather, June is fine (but not a good month) for visiting Pokhara Nepal.


Average temperature 23 0 C
Highest temperature 25 0 C
Lowest temperature 210 C
Rainfall 364mm
Number of days with rainfall 15 days(s)
Humidity 66%
Daily sunshine hours 14
Cloud cover 35%
Length of day 13:56

Weather in Biratnagar during the month of June
During the month of June, the medium temperature in Pokhara is 24 0 C (highest temperature is 36 0 C and lowest temperature is 31 0 C). The weather is burning in this region during the month of June. Through 283mm over 12 days, precipitation might take place all over the visitor’s trip. But this is pretty temperate and it is only for short-term showers. With an adverse climate, the month of June is not a suggested month to visit Biratnagar.


Average temperature 340 C
Highest temperature 36 0 C
Lowest temperature 310 C
Rainfall 283mm
Number of days with rainfall 112 days(s)
Humidity 68%
Daily sunshine hours 14
Cloud cover 35%
Length of day 13:47

Places to visit during the month of June in Nepal
Kathmandu Valley
There are three significant cities in Kathmandu valley: Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur. Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal and is popular for its beautiful temples and Buddha statues. The middle of the city is Durbar Square; its northern region is the residence of backpackers-Thamel.
Patan, 3 kilometers (1.8 miles) from Kathmandu, is known as the city of artwork. It is the oldest city in Nepal and there are lots of popular temples like Golden Temple and Krishna Mandir.
Situated 14 kilometers (9 miles) east of Kathmandu, Bhaktapur is the birthplace of Nepalese primitive architectural style. People can visit Changu Narayan, which is listed as the World Culture Heritage.

Upper Mustang Trek
Upper Mustang Trek is one of a few trekking routes not affected by the monsoon during the month of June. Mustang is the final independent kingdom in Nepal which preserves the native Tibetan Buddhist tradition and cultural heritages. It is also a high-altitude region, and the visitors can view the beautiful plateau scenario.
Note: All visitors must have a government permission to visit the district.

Other information about the month of June in Nepal
Nepal’s climate during the month of June differs from area to area, but it is predominantly wet and moist. Monsoon season in Nepal indicates that Kathmandu the capital of Nepal has a temperature of 29 degree C and on average 17 days of precipitation, indicating that umbrellas and indoor arrangement are required.
Pokhara, alternately, is moderately warmer through medium highs of 31 degree C. The city also experiences less precipitation days through a medium 11 days, mostly to the final days of the month. Furthermore north in the Mustang region of Nepal, the visitors can experience fully distinct weather with highs of 17 degree C and lows of 4 degree C. Even Though it rains an average of 14 days, it is only 69mm for the entire month – a fragment of the amount that falls in Kathmandu or Pokhara – making it one of the finest places to travel to Nepal during the month of June.
With the monsoon precipitation bearing in most regions of Nepal in the month of June, there are certain regions where it is easy to wet for trekking and hiking. But there are enough rainstorm regions, where it does not rain as much and the hazard of soil erosion is less. One of the regions is Manaslu, which is frequently linked up to the Annapurna trek trails.

Author: khojnu

Nepal Local Travel and Tourism Promotion ( Local Business )

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